

“The thermodynamic punishment must fit the structural crime.”


29. "Charge transport in the A6B2O17 (A = Zr, Hf; B = Nb, Ta) superstructure series", Tadeusz Miruszewski, Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryn, Daniel Jaworski, William Rosenberg, Scott J. McCormack and Maria Gazda, J. Electrochemical Society, (2024) DOI:

28. "Thermostructural evolution of boron carbide characterized using in-situ X-ray diffraction", Harry Charalambous, Qirong Yang, Jesus Rivera, Isabel R. Crystal, Leila Yici Sun, Fox Thorpe, William Rosenberg, Scott J. McCormack, Gabriella C. S. King, James T. Cahill, Wyatt L. Du Frane, Joshua D. Kuntz, Elizabeth Sobalvarro Converse, Acta Materialia, 265, 119597 (2024) DOI: 

27. "Environmental conical nozzle levitator equipped with dual wavelength lasers", Fox Thorpe, Trevor Li, Richard Weber, Scott J. McCormack, J. Am. Cer. Soc., 107, 2010-2023 (2024) DOI:


26. "Photonics roadmap for ultra-high-temperature thermophotovoltaics", Mariama Rebello Sousa Dias, Tao Gong, Margaret A. Duncan, Stuart C. Ness, Scott J. McCormack, Marina S. Leite*, Jeremy N. Munday*, Joule, 7, 10, 2209-2227 (2023) DOI:

25. “A crystallographic study of product phases of carbothermic reduction and nitridation of hafnium dioxide”, Chinthaka M. Silva*, Kyle J. Kondrat, Kiel S. Holiday, Scott J. McCormack, J. Inorg. Chem., 62, 30, 11910-11919 (2023) DOI:

24. "Summary report of CALPHAD GLOBAL, 2021", Yu Zhong*, Richard Otis, Scott J. McCormack, Wei Xiong, Zi-Kui Liu, Calphad, 102527 (2023) DOI:

23. "Structure and thermodynamics of oxides/carbides/nitrides/borides at high temperatures", Qi-Jun Hong, Sergey V. Ushakov, Kristina Lilova, Alexandra Navrotsky and Scott J. McCormack*, Am. Cer. Soc. Bull., 102, 1 (2023) Ref:

22. "In-situ Synchrotron X-ray diffraction of TiB2 up to ~3050 ˚C", Elizabeth Sobalvarro Converse, Fox Thorpe, Jesus Rivera, Harry Charalambous, Gabriella King, James Cahill, Wyatt Du Frane, Joshua Kuntz, Scott J. McCormack*, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 43, 8 (2023) DOI:

21. "Structure and Fragility of Normal and Invert Lanthanum Borate Glasses from 11B and 17O NMR Spectroscopy and Calorimetry", Randi Swanson, Jonathan Stebbins, Taemin Yeo, Yijue Xu, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, Scott J. McCormack and Sabyasachi Sen*, J. Non. Cryst. Solids603, 122119 (2023) DOI:


20. Invited Article: "Material Property Characterization in the Most Extreme Environments", Daniel K. Schreiber, Ruth Schwaiger, Martin Heilmaier, Scott J. McCormack*, MRS Bulletin, 47, 1-15 (2022) DOI: 

19. Invited Article: "What is in a Name: Defining "High Entropy" Oxides", Matthew Brahlek, Maria Gazda, Veerle Keepers, Alessandro Mazza, Scott J. McCormack, Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryn, Brianna Music, Katharine Page, Christina Rost, Susan Sinnott, Cormac Toher, Thomas Ward* and Ayako Yamamoto, APL Mater. 10, 110902 (2022) DOI:


18. "A new class of entropy stabilized oxides: Commensurately modulated A6B2O17 (A = Zr, Hf; B = Nb, Ta) structures", Albert A. Voskanyan, Kristina Lilova, Scott J. McCormack, Waltraud M. Kriven, Alexandra Navrotsky*, Scripta Materialia, 204, 114139 (2021) DOI:

17. "Thermal Expansion and Phase Transformation in the Rare Earth Di-titanate (R2Ti2O7) System", Benjamin S. Hulbert, Scott J. McCormack, Kuo-Pin Tseng, and Waltraud M. Kriven*, Acta Cryst. B77 (2021) DOI:

16. Invited Feature Article: "Thermodynamics of high entropy oxides", Scott J. McCormack* and Alexandra Navrotsky, Acta Materialia, 202 1-21 (2021) DOI:


15. "Directions of zero thermal expansion and the peritectic transformation in HfTiO4", Scott J. McCormack, William A. Wheeler, Ben S. Hulbert, Waltraud, M. Kriven*, Acta Materialia,  200 187-199 (2020) DOI:

14. "High-Entropy, Phase Constrained, Lanthanide Sesquioxide”, Kuo-Pin Tseng, Qun Yang, Scott J. McCormack, and Waltraud Kriven*, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 103 569-576 (2020) DOI:


13. "Crystal Structure Solution for the A6B2O17 (A = Zr, Hf | B = Nb, Ta)”, Superstructure”, Scott J. McCormack and Waltraud M. Kriven*, Acta Cryst. B75 227-234 (2019) DOI:

12. Reply to comments: “In-Situ Determination of the HfO2-Ta2O5-Temperature Phase diagram up to 3000 ˚C”, Scott J. McCormack, Kuo-Pin Tseng, Richard J.K. Weber, Denys Kapush, Sergey Ushakov, Alexandra Navrotsky and Waltraud Kriven* J. Am. Ceram. Soc.102 7028-7030 (2019) DOI:

11. Editors Pick: "Temperature gradients for thermophysical and thermochemical property measurements to 3000 ˚C for an aerodynamically levitated spheroid”, Scott J. McCormack, Anthony Tamalonis, Richard J. K. Weber and Waltraud M. Kriven*, Rev Sci Instum., 90, 015109 (2019). DOI:

10. "In-Situ Determination of the HfO2-Ta2O5-Temperature Phase diagram up to 3000 ˚C”, Scott J. McCormack, Kuo-Pin Tseng, Richard J.K. Weber, Denys Kapush, Sergey Ushakov, Alexandra Navrotsky and Waltraud Kriven* J. Am. Ceram. Soc.102 4848-4861 (2019) DOI:

9. "Experimental and self-consistent modelling study of de-twinning in a twinning-induced plasticity steel”, Ahmed A. Saleh, Wei Wen, Elena V. Pereloma, Scott J. McCormack, Carlos N. Tomé and Azdiar A. Gazder*. J. JOM., (2019) DOI:

8. "Chair's update on PCSA activities and welcome to the student ACerS Bulletin issue" Scott J. McCormack, Am. Cer. Soc. Bull., 98, 26 (2019) Ref:

7. "In-situ Investigation of Hf6Ta2O17 Anisotropic Thermal Expansion and Topotactic Peritectic Transformation”, Scott J. McCormack, Richard J. Weber and Waltraud M. Kriven*, Acta Materialia.161 127-137 (2018). DOI:

6. "On the First Direct Observation of De-twinning in a Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steel”, Scott J. McCormack, Wei Wen, Elena V. Pereloma, Carlos N. Tomé, Azdiar A. Gazder, Ahmed A. Saleh*, Acta Materialia.156 172-183 (2018). DOI:

5. "Alpha-Alumina and Spinel react into Single Phase High-Alumina Spinel in <3 Seconds during Flash Sintering”, David Kok, Emanuele Sortino, Devinder Yadav, Scott J. McCormack, Kuo-Pin Tseng, Waltraud M. Kriven, Rishi Raj and Martha L. Mecartney*, J. Am. Ceramic. Soc.102 644-653 (2018) DOI:

4. "Relationships Between the Orthorhombic and Hexagonal Phases in Dy2TiO5” Kevin C. Seymour, Daniel Ribero, Scott J. McCormack, and Waltraud Kriven*, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.99 3739-3744 (2016). DOI:

3. "Broadening of Diffraction Peak Widths and Temperature Nonuniformity During Flash Experiments”, Jean-Marie Lebrun, Shikhar K. Jha, Scott J. McCormack, Waltraud M. Kriven and Rishi Raj*, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.99 3429-3434 (2016) DOI:

2. "Deciphering the discipline: How to decide where to study your Ph.D."Scott J. McCormack, Am. Cer. Soc. Bull., 95, 50 (2016) Ref:

1. "Investigation of Vacancies in Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate”, Kevin R. Tolman, R. Ubic, Meagan Papac, Kevin C. Seymour, Scott J. McCormack, Waltraud M. Kriven and Hans Kungl*, J. Solid State Chemistry.225 359-367 (2015). DOI:

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Innovation | Diversity | Comradery | Humility | Self-Improvement